We had some really cool experiences yesterday, starting with a reception for the Arizona/Minnessota Delegations at the Landmark Building across the street from our hotel. We heard opening comments from our State Party Chairman, Randy Pullen as well as our Secretary of State, Jan Brewer, and then from several "luminaries". Our speakers were:
Keeper of Banners addressing the Delgates
Governor Tom Pawlenty - Governor of Minnesota
- Governor Jon Huntsman - Governor of Utah
- Senator Norm Coleman - (R) Minnesota
- Robert "Bud" McFarlane - Former National Security Advisor to President Reagan
- Ambassador John R. Bolton - Former US Ambassador to the United Nations
- Meg Whitman - Former President/CEO of eBay
I was especially excited to hear from Senator Coleman and Ambassador Bolton - two great Americans who have led the charge against the U.S. being involved with and taking orders from the UN.
Ambassador John Bolton and I (me engaging in a little hero worship)
Later that evening we ran over to the Minneapolis Convention Center for the Civic Convention. It was a blast! They had several displays on the presidency, including mock-ups of Air Force One, a large-scale model of the White House, two presidential limousines, and the most awesome collection of historic US Flags (not just replicas - these were the real deal!).

Me Achieving Nirvana
I thought I was going to go into sensory overload, and Dulcinea had to cool me down from spending too much dinero on campaign kitsch. We got some souvenirs for the kids (and for us) and walked until the bones in my feet started popping (it might be time to lose some weight). My favorite acquisitions were a copy of Barry Goldwater's The Conscience of a Conservative and a baseball cap from the USS John S. McCain - a destroyer named after Sen. McCain's father and grandfather that is currently depolyed in the Persian Gulf.
We have been interacting with delegates from all over the country, and have made some great friends. There are so many good people here. It gives me a lot of excitement and hope for this election cycle.

The First Lady and I returning to D.C. after bringing peace to the Middle East
All in all, a great day. I am looking forward to some actual political action today when the convention officially kicks off.

Tell the Joint Chiefs that the bombing of Iran starts NOW - not five minutes from now! And get that little crap-head Putin on the phone - I'm about to open a can of whoop and pour it all over his sorry hide.