Grandpa and Grandma Whetten were born 100 years ago next year and we think that a celebration is in order. Please join us in Colonia Juarez during the summer of 2009 to have a great big family reunion estilo Whetten. Tentative dates - last week in July or first week of August. (best time of year for good weather, plenty of fruit, beautiful green grass everywhere, cool evenings, etc)
Ed and Gayle have their "Motel 3" in fine form and can put up mucha raza.
For those interested in a longer stay and more adventure, come early for an expedition to the Basaseachic waterfall and Copper Canyon. Who knows? We may even get up to Chupe and the other mountain colonies. Plan on a service project and tire rolling down the Caracol. Zip line is greased and ready to go, teeter-totter now complies with OSHA standards, and the swing has the ropes pre-attached for maximum altitude. Volleyball, rattlesnake taming, and counting Aunt Louise's cats thrown in for free. We'll drive you in from El Paso if you need to fly in, and meet you at the border if you want to caravan down.
Spread the word, start making the plans and reserve the time - 'cause this event will only happen once in our lifetimes.
We have set up a blog so we can have a central clearing house for all information relating to the reunion. Please visit: www.glenandadawhetten.blogspot.com for more information, answers to your questions, and links to useful sites.
Uncle Ed says: "Many of you have not been back in years, and this is an excellent time to repent."